Pregnancy & Childbirth Offerings

Group Classes & Private Sessions In-Person & Online

New Office Location: 15 State St. - Montpelier - 3rd floor - Suite #303 - Elevator Access

Photo by Abigail Feldman

Photo by Abigail Feldman

Prenatal Movement

A class that weaves somatic movement and gentle therapeutic yoga - for your ever changing body - with practical and nurturing birth preparation for all stages of pregnancy.

Wednesdays 5:30 - 6:30 PM

** NOTE - Class on Monday, June 3rd instead of Wednesday June 5th **

Available in-person and online via Zoom.

Photo by Leo Moko

Photo by Leo Moko

Moving, Breathing, Birth

You and your birth person receive an array of movements, coping measures, and practical information to take into your birth.  An excellent add-on to Emerge’s Empowered Childbirth (or other childbirth class you may have taken) for first time parents and a great refresher for folks who have birthed before. 

Available as a 2-hr group class or individualized, private session.  Group classes offered every 2 months. Private sessions scheduled throughout the year.

Both options offered in-person and online via Zoom.

Photo by Isaac Quesada

Photo by Isaac Quesada

Empowered Childbirth

Evidence-based and holistic education that prepares you and your birth support person to better understand and meet your birth experience. This class pairs exceptionally well with Emerge’s Moving, Breathing Birth.

Available as a 6.5-hr group class (divided into two days) or individualized, private session. Group classes offered every 3 months. Private sessions scheduled throughout the year.

Available in-person or online via Zoom. 

Photo by Amy LePage

Photo by Amy LePage

Prepare Your Pelvic Floor for Birth

Choose from three options:

Live workshop offered 4 times a year

Private Session

Pre-recorded videos from Pelvic Floor During Pregnancy & Preparing to Push

Vital information that breaks down the barriers to understanding this often elusive part of the body.  Gain confidence to help you relax, reduce pain, improve movement, breathe and mentally, physically and emotionally prepare for birth.

Workshop offered 4 times throughout the year. Private Sessions always offered.

Workshop & Private Session available in-person or online via Zoom. 

Photo by Pelayo Arbués

Photo by Pelayo Arbués

Spinning Babies® Parent Class

3-hr class - Individual sessions and small group classes

Group classes offered every 3 months. Private sessions scheduled throughout the year.

Grounding Before Birth: Gathering During the 3rd Trimester

July 27th, 2 - 5pm

A gathering ceremony with facilitators Jess Buckley of Mountain Mama Guiding and Amy LePage. Honoring & supporting you during the transformational time of your 3rd trimester as you prepare to cross the threshold into your birth journey.

5 spots are available

Photo by Amy Modum

Prenatal Somatic Bodywork

A form of bodywork that focuses on releasing muscle and fascial tension, improving the flow of breath and regulating the nervous system while balancing the body in preparation for labor and birth. Sessions are done wearing comfortable clothing. Sessions can be done on a massage table or the floor, using pregnancy pillows that allow for belly down lying as well.

Available as 60 & 90-minute private sessions. 

Birth support person welcome to join to learn ways to support during pregnancy and birth.