Move and Breathe with Baby

Tending to You While Caring for Baby

In-person and zoom option available


NOTE LOCATION: 7 Main St. - Montpelier - Across from Shaw’s

4 Class Pass & Drop-In options available

* No one turned away due to finances.

Register HERE for In-Person (click link, scroll down to find class, then register)

Register HERE to join via Zoom (just email to receive the zoom link)

All parents and caregivers welcome. You’re juggling a lot right now - If you’ve birthed your baby, you’re also healing. You may have heard how important it is to take care of yourself after birth or adjusting to a new babe at home. You may be wondering - “And how do I do that?”

This relaxed class setting is full of self care techniques while caring for baby. Lots of options for the different stages of postpartum. It’s a nurturing and gentle class to connect with baby and yourself! Plus we’ll explore fun ways to engage with your little one.

Join anytime 2 weeks postpartum and beyond. 

Fill out the form below to sign up.

Watch out for an email with more info!

Photos on this page by Abigail Feldman, Amy LePage and a parent

“After weeks of baby care, being reminded about caring for MY body was amazing.”

“After weeks of baby care, being reminded about caring for MY body was amazing.”

“Best thing about Zoom yoga?? Doing it at home with the baby!”

“Best thing about Zoom yoga?? Doing it at home with the baby!”

“Your class reminds me to slow down, to take time for myself and breath.”

“Your class reminds me to slow down, to take time for myself and breath.”