Somatic Movement Classes
“The human body is not an insturment to be used, but a realm of one’s being to be experienced, explored, enriched, and thereby educated.” ~ Thomas Hanna
What it is & how it helps.
Emerge’s approach to Somatics is a melding of Thomas Hanna Somatics (which stems from Feldenkrais movement and has additions of neuromuscular re-education and innate reflexive responses) with a deep understanding of the nervous system, functional movement, breathing mechanics, mindset and kinesthetic awareness practices.
This type of somatic exploration shifts one from auto-pilot mode into a more attentive and curious place, able to recognize and releasing tension that is locked in the body that impacts posture, pain, past trauma, movement patterns and years of dis-ease.
Why is this Important?
Chronic states of tension and being on alert impact the musculoskeletal system, as well as all the systems in the body. This affects stress levels, breathing, movement, how ones lives in their body, and relates to others and the world around them. Learning how to self and co-regulate emotionally, along with addressing movement and daily use patterns in the body are important pieces in our web of life.
Not Just Physical.
Our holding patterns come from repetitive use patterns, injury, illness . . and from deeply held innate reflexes. Hanna refers to them as Red Light, Green Light and Trauma Reflexes. Our bodies respond instinctively to stressors in our environment and to our histories. Over time Sensory Motor Amnesia develops, where the brain “forgets” that it’s sending signals to muscles to stay contracted all the time. By consciously and regularly exploring these reflex patterns the body and brain we are able to “reset” and experience new possibilities.
Freedom & Ease.
The goal isn’t to never experience stress, tension, pain, overwhelm, anxiousness etc. The aim is to educate oneself and have the skills needed to navigate the loads in life. Gaining somatic skills creates the potential for more freedom and ease in moving, breathing and being.
Photo Above by Amy Modum